New books coming soon!

 Hi all,

I've been busy working on a couple of different books. SURVIVING THE UNSURVIVABLE: DESPERATION (which I think will be the final book in the series, at least for now. At some point in the future, I might do a second trilogy that takes place a few years in the future) and a new series called THE CHILDREN. This is more your typical zombie-type book whereas the STU series was zombies on steroids. I found this one to be very difficult to write. It begins with the death of the nation's children, and having lost my own daughter, it was very emotional for me. I hope I was able to convey those emotions in the story. This one is written in the first-person format. So basically, you will only know what he knows but you'll be privy to all his thoughts and feelings.

I am about halfway done with both of these books and plan to have them published before mid-December. Thank you for supporting me and my writing. As an independent author, building up a following takes a lot of time and effort. I hope one day to actually break even or even make a dollar or two, but for now, I'm happy to bring you along on the journeys of the voices in my head.

Thank you for reading,



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