This is my latest book. Like most of my books, the premise for this one came from a dream. I always wondered what it would be like if the police searched my computer history. Writing the type of books I do, I do a lot of online research that might look questionable to those who don't realize I'm an author.

The main character in this book is a writer and finds himself embroiled in a battle for his freedom when a vicious serial killer goes on a rampage and he becomes the prime suspect. I had a lot of fun writing it and hope you enjoy reading it. I plan to go on more journeys with Bo and hope you join us.


        Following a brutal assault, author Bo Austin is haunted by visions of disturbing events and horribly vivid nightmares of gruesome murders.

Drawing inspiration from his nightmares, they become the basis for his next best-selling novel, only to discover the nightmares are real and he has become the prime suspect.

As the body count rises, Bo must fight to prove his innocence and discover who the actual serial killer is before he is convicted of the crimes or becomes the killer’s next victim.

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